Sunday, January 8, 2012

Today's To-Do

1)  Rent a Macbook (argh $$$)
2) E-mail the Sound guy what I want so he can get started
3) E-mail the new copywriter story documents and synopsis
4) Finish the demo's story boards so that I have something I can show the copywriter (Well, I hired him because I'm so behind.  Whatevs.)
4) Actually review the code and have some feedback for the developer since I recall saying I would look through the code 'very, very carefully' this weekend.  I only have one thing to say that.  LIAR.
5) Learn how to code so I know what I'm talking about would be a good thing.

This list does not include my everyday life stuff (Which is a list that is about 6 items long) and I have a social event for my PR business this evening. Oh yeah, and I have a major meeting with my manager at work tomorrow about a communications plan that's half-started.  I have approximately 5 hours to finish both these lists.  Good times.

I now need three of me.  One to do game stuff, one to finish life stuff, and one who can just crawl back into bed and ignore these lists.

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