Monday, December 26, 2011

I have just spent the last three hours playing iphone games

And I have learned three things:

1)  Good controls make sucky games alright.

2)  Most people who release games for the iphone don't know how to spell.  The rest don't know how to spell plot, much less create a plot.  Casual game stories suck.  How do people get away with this?

3) There just aren't a lot of good games on the iphone, period.  The only one I can think of that I would actually call a game that did anything interesting, and I haven't even PLAYED it but I KNOW it'll be what I expect, is Infinity Blade.  Honestly, why don't indie devs realize how bad the games are on here?  I'm not saying I'm going to make the best game that ever existed, but where's the fun and where's the creativity and WHERE'S the SPELL-CHECK.  (Mage Gauntlet has just been loaded and I have high hopes for the  writing.)

As always, go to and sign-up to be a beta-tester for a great fantasy-themed visual-novel style iphone game. (Say that three times fast.)

1 comment:

  1. Apple always gives better features of its iPhone than others. I also play games on my iPhone and spent time two hours and I really enjoy to play these games. Angry Bird is one of my favorite game.

