We're nearing demo mode.
Most of the art has been finished. I've been tweaking the background art with the background artist. He's doing mock-up animations which we might use for the final version.
The character art is, for demo purposes, finished. I could use one or two more pieces, but I'll wait until everything needs to be compiled to decide whether I want to invest another two weeks of art time.
Then again, maybe I should review the art again. Hm.
The script is being reviewed. There's a lot of logical errors left to correct. I have thought recently (or at least for the next version) investing in a script writing software. I do a lot of mock-ups and a basic word editor doesn't really cut it anymore. It works for now, but when you start getting a 50-100 page script, it starts getting a little creaky and sometimes buggy...and the last thing I need are corrupted files. (I would jump off a very tall building if the file corrupted. Back-up files are my friend.)
The hardest thing about being a producer of a game project is that you are there to motivate everyone else, but when it comes near to the final product (and when I mean near, I mean annoying final hump near) the last thing you do is feel motivated. It's the long weekend in Canada and all I want to do is turn off Netflix and let the game coalesce on its own without me.
Which will never happen.
Unless I clone myself. But that probably wouldn't turn out that well.